Monday, October 26, 2009

What a Sunday

It's truly hard to believe we've only experienced one full day in Mexico -- and FULL might be the biggest understatement of all.  Our morning started with a wonderful breakfast with the Carpenters and the 11 of us sharing the dining table, laughing, getting to know each other better, and musing about what the day would bring.  There were definitely seconds and thirds of the egg bake being shared, and no shortage of carbs in this househould!  I think when Kay and Steve knew that nine of us were men, they doubled up on the provisions -- all good!  From there, Gary Parkin led us in a devotion and sharing time -- focused on the word "immersion" -- and what it means to be immersed in this culture, to be immersed in God's word, and to immerse ourselves in the lives of each other. 

Church at ICN was memorable for each of us... while all in Spanish, we worshipped the Lord together as one, shared in the Lord's supper, and heard a significant message on "What is the Church" -- so incredibly appropriate as it became very clear for all of us that while distance and languages separate us, the love of Christ unites us -- and together we are the church.  You couldn't have hoped for a warmer reception by the church family here -- they opened their arms to us and conveyed such genuine gratitude that we are here to help continue the building process.  Speaking of that, we had a good time as a team reviewing all the grounds for the project and laying out a game plan which we will begin this morning.  What an amazing God story to see that 8 times He shut a door, and on this 9th time, He opened it wide and provided such a piece of property.  Their future church home will only enhance their ability to serve this neighborhood and this church family. 

(meanwhile, the luggage is in and at the airport so off goes Steve for another wild experience to pick up 13 suitcases!)

Tacos have a brand new meaning as we journeyed to the Carpenters favorite joint and enjoyed many of these together -- then it was off to The Eagles... the community center and missions school that the Carpenters helped purchase in December of last year.  We hope the pictures help to provide a window into this community.  My next blog will share with you the amazing 3 hours that we spent there last evening... but the pictures will provide something that should touch your heart.

Keep praying for us -- we appreciate you.

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